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Christian Volunteer Opportunities in Israel

Join the American Christians who are stepping up to become volunteers for Israel and are helping the Jewish State in its hour of need. Gil Travel is organizing special tours for American volunteers, a unique program that offers Christian Volunteer Opportunities in Israel, You can fly to Israel, see the land of the Bible, and gather in the harvest just miles from the frontline in Gaza!

Israel and US Christians: The Unbreakable Bond

Christians and other friends of Israel across America were shocked and angered by the savage massacres of October 7th. The sheer wanton cruelty and barbarism of the Hamas attack galvanized support among Christians of all denominations, and Evangelicals in particular.

As Israel struck back against the terrorists, US Christians were quick to rally around with both moral and practical support. Christians have donated millions of dollars to the Israeli relief effort, and provided invaluable political support and public lobbying, helping Israeli hasbara (הַסְבָּרָה) or public diplomacy efforts. Some American Christians have taken things to a new level and flown out to become volunteers for Israel.

Some of the first US volunteers to hit the headlines were the Christian Cowboys. 15 young Americans – genuine Levi and Stetson clad cowboys from rural states – mobilized to help out in Israel. They brought practical skills, a can-do attitude, an amazing capacity for hard work – and a love for Biblical Israel with them. The Christian Cowboys captured the imagination of the Israeli public who previously thought that cowboys only existed in Hollywood westerns.


Not everybody is a robust and resilient cowboy who can range the land from dawn to dusk, or turn his hand to any task. Most of us don’t have the practical experience, youth or physical aptitude for that kind of life. The average modern American is only capable of a more modest contribution. Fortunately, that’s more than enough to make a genuine impact and a lasting difference. A Gil Travel tour will put you where you can make that difference!

Volunteers For Israel on the Farm

Are you ready to volunteer on a once in a lifetime experience with our unique program?

Here’s a bit of what awaits you:

When you arrive in Israel, you’ll have some time to relax and find your feet and a chance to meet your guide. Your trip will begin in Jerusalem, before heading down to the Gaza border area, usually on Day 3. Your group will visit local farms and kibbutzim and you’ll get a chance to talk to local Israeli farmers and to help out by picking or packing crops. Don’t worry if you’re not as young as you used to be, or you’re not in shape. There is a friendly atmosphere and people do whatever they are comfortable with.

Most of Israel’s foreign workers left the country after the massacres. Hamas murdered and kidnapped a number of Thai laborers, as well as workers and agricultural students from other countries. Israel now has an acute labor shortage and every little helps. During your visit to the South, you’ll probably have the option to visit some of the devastated communities and possibly to talk to survivors of the massacres and some of the heroes who resisted the attack. Your group will also receive a military briefing on the current fighting.

Volunteering is a great way to meet the ordinary Israelis who also drive down to the farms to work for free, often on their days off. Most speak excellent English and are really happy – and very touched – to see foreign volunteers for Israel. Israelis saw the pro-Hamas demonstrations on the news and began to feel isolated and abandoned. It’s a real moral booster to meet American Christians who are going the extra mile for them.

Explore Jerusalem and Follow in Jesus’s Footsteps

Israel, the holy land is the land where Jesus was born and modern Israel is full of important Christian sites. It is also packed with ancient Jewish sites that are mentioned in the bible and were part of Jesus’s life. A customized Gil Travel Tour can usually visit Bethlehem and Nazareth, but Jerusalem is hugely important to both Christians and Jews. Your visits to Jerusalem will be a life changing experience. To walk the Via Dolorosa in the footsteps of Jesus, and to see Gethsemane, the Mount of Olives and the Garden Tomb is part of a spiritual experience.

Jewish Jerusalem is also a fascinating place for Christians to see. The Wailing Wall (Western Wall, Kotel) is the surviving retaining wall of the Second Temple and attracts visitors from across Israel and around the world. Anybody who is interested in biblical history and archaeology will enjoy a visit to the City of David site, the Davidson Center, and the Southern Wall excavations.

You’ll also love the winding streets of the Old City. A trip through medieval Jerusalem feels like a trip back in time. It’s easy to look around and imagine Jesus and his disciples and ancient Jewish prophets as you wander the Holy City.

Your time in Jerusalem will also include a trip to Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, and then Israel’s national cemetery at Mount Herzl. As your exploration of Jerusalem continues, you’ll get a real taste of the Middle East at the famous Machane Yehuda market.

The bustling market is where locals go to shop and it has some of the best snacks and small restaurants in Israel. If you’re looking for authentic, and down to earth, Jewish and Middle Eastern cuisine (think Jewish mom and pop cooking) Machane Yehuda will blow your mind away.

Visit Galilee, the North and the Dead Sea


Galilee and the Golan aren’t just important religious and historical sites for Christians and Jews. They also have some of Israel’s most beautiful scenery. At this time of the year, they are blessed with a carpet of greenery and the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) can fill to the brim. A highlight of your trip to the North is a visit to Tel Megiddo – the site of Armageddon. As you check out the ruins and gates of the ancient city, you’ll notice the wide plains that surround the site. They are strategically placed, and give clear hints as to the shape of the final battle that many believe will take place at Tel Megiddo.

Another great biblical site in the North is Magdala on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. It’s a real pleasure to browse and wander the ancient synagogues and other relics that date back to the time of Jesus. The ruins include the stunning Magdala Stone, whose carvings portray the Second Temple. The 2,000 year old stone was excavated from the Migdal Synagogue in 2,009. Your day will end with a special meeting with our friends from Hashomer Hahadash, a modern organization devoted to safeguarding Israel’s agriculture and forestry.

One item on the Gil Tours itinerary the American Christians especially look forward to is the chance to see the Qumran caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. They are located in the spectacular Judean Wilderness where Jewish rebels and religious ascetics traditionally took refuge. The trip includes a visit to the Dead Sea (the lowest place on earth) and to the stark mountain fortress of Masada. Originally a desert palace built by the infamous King Herod, Masada became the site of a last stand ny Jewish rebels. The garrison finally committed mass suicide rather than submit to slavery or death at the hands of their Roman besiegers.

Key Info and Q&A for Volunteers for Israel

Question: I want to volunteer, but is it dangerous to travel to Israel?

Answer: It’s true that Israel is at war and that there is a terrorist threat. However, the actual fighting is taking place at strategic locations within Gaza. You can travel to within a few miles of the Gaza border in relative safety. There will be thousands of elite IDF troops between you and the terrorists. Unfortunately, terror threats are a reality in most countries now – including the US. Security in Israel was massively increased after October 7th and Israelis are getting back to normal life. Gil Travel works closely with law enforcement and the security services to ensure that all volunteers are safe.

Question: Can I join the Israeli army as a Christian volunteer?

Answer: No, actual IDF service is restricted to Israeli citizens and permanent residents who meet the IDF’s specific requirements. Even if that were not the case, it still takes many months to process and train recruits. Israel needs your help now, it needs motivated farm workers right now, Christian volunteers for Israel have a vital role to play in the farms and fields.

Question: Do I need a visa or work permit to volunteer in Israel?

Answer:  No, all you need is a valid passport. You’ll get a standard 3 month tourist visa when you arrive at Ben Gurion airport in Israel. Gil Travel will take care of all the details and administration when you book your trip with us and we will ensure that everything goes smoothly when you arrive in Israel. The Israelis are really happy to see visitors from the US and the authorities have no problem with you helping out on the farms and kibbutzim, the country welcomes your help.

Make a Solidarity Trip to Israel as a Volunteer

Volunteers for Israel are making a difference on the ground right now! They are helping to alleviate suffering, rescue the harvest, and build unbreakable ties between American Christian communities and Israeli Jews. Your Gil Travel tour will also take you to the most important Christian and biblical Jewish sites in Israel.

Much has changed since the time of Jesus and John the Baptist, and even further back to the time of Moses, but much remains unchanged. As you tour Israel, you will feel that you are walking in the prophets’ footsteps and seeing the sites that they saw. The memories that you take back to the US will last a lifetime – as will the help and moral support that you give to Israelis.

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