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Israel Spotlight: Hiking The Jesus Trail

Hiking The Jesus Trail:
From Nazareth to Mt. Precipice

jesus trail map israel hiking

From one end of Israel to the other, the Jesus Trail follows the journey of Jesus Christ as He moved through Galilee in ancient times. The 40 mile hiking trail runs from Nazareth to Capernaum and includes many points of interest – both historical and biblical – for visitors to enjoy and explore. The Jesus Trail was founded in 2009, and has quickly become an extremely popular tourist attraction.

The trail starts in Nazareth, where the Annunciation occurred – that is, where Mary learned she would bear the Son of God. This is also the childhood home of Jesus. Although the current Church of the Annunciation was built in 1969, the first shrine is said to have been erected in the fourth century. There are many other churches to see there as well. If you’re interested in learning about what Nazareth was like in the first century, explore Nazareth Village.


mona lisa, galilee, mosaic, artifact, archaeology Found in Sepphoris as part of an ancient mosaic floor. It’s often referred to as the “Mona Lisa of the Galilee”
Public Domain via wikimedia


Next, you’ll find yourself traveling through Sepphoris or Zippori, a city that was under construction while Jesus was alive. The trail includes making your way through Zippori National Park to Canna, where you’ll have an opportunity to explore the modern town of Kfar Kana, located on the site of the wedding feast, where Jesus turned water into wine.

Just past Golani Junction, the trail comes to an ancient Roman road that linked Acre and Tiberias. From there, you’ll come to Kibbutz Lavi, the largest manufacturer of synagogue furniture in the world.  Just outside Tiberias, you’ll find the Horns of Hattin, the site of an 1187 battle where Saladin’s army defeated the Crusaders. At the base of the Horns of Hattin, hikers will come to Nebi Shu’eib, where the tomb of Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, is located. (Heads up – if you wish to enter Nebi Shu’eib, you have to wear proper attire, that is modest clothing that covers your knees and shoulders.)

After the Nebi Shu’eib, you’ll come to Migdal, a town located where Mary Magdalene’s home once stood. You will not be able to enter the ruins, but can view the remnants of a synagogue and a Byzantine mosque through the wrought iron gate.


ginosar jesus boat galilee The Jesus Boat or Sea of Galilee Boat
Public Domain, via wikimedia


Then, you’ll come to the Sea of Galilee, the largest freshwater lake in Israel. If you venture off the trail about two kilometers, you’ll come to the Jesus Boat. The Jesus Boat – remnants of a first century fishing vessel — is on display at the Yigal Allon Center at Kibbutz Ginosar.

Further on down the trail, you’ll come to St. Peter’s Primacy, a church built by the Franciscans in 1933, on the site where Jesus chose Peter to lead his church. Next up is Capernaum, where Jesus lived during his ministry in Galilee.

The trail ends at Mount Precipice, where the Bible says that an angry mob attempted to throw Jesus off of a cliff following his proclamation in the Nazareth Synagogue.

If you’re a hiking enthusiast and want to spend a few days following in the footsteps of Jesus on this trail, the expert travel agents at Gil Travel can help you create the perfect itinerary. Contact Gil Travel today to see how we can help you!

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